Welcome to The Safe Brain Initiative EEG Bootcamp for Anaesthesia.
We are dedicated to addressing the challenges faced by anaesthesia staff in tailoring the administration of hypnotics for sedation during general anaesthesia to suit the unique needs of each patient.
We recognize that the sensitivity and need for hypnotics can vary widely among patients, and that inadequate exposure to sedatives over longer periods can lead to adverse outcomes, especially those affecting the brain.
To address this challenge, we offer a comprehensive training program that focuses on the use of EEG monitors to assess the level of hypnosis during anaesthesia. While EEG monitors have become widespread, we have noticed that many anaesthesia staff do not fully utilize the information provided by the EEG activity, such as raw traces or its representation in density spectral arrays, or associated parameters to guide and fine-tune anaesthesia practice.
Most often, heavily processed indices are used as the only source of information for guidance. Unfortunately, this processed information only partially reflects the complete EEG information. To fully appreciate the information of EEG-derived indices, it is essential to understand how the raw EEG and the derived parameters interact during anaesthesia.
Our EEG Bootcamp for Anaesthesia is designed to enable course participants to fully integrate the EEG and its sub-parameters and the processed EEG values in a patient-centred and brain-protective approach in real-world clinical settings. By the end of the training program, participants will have gained the knowledge and skills to fully utilize the EEG monitor to optimize the administration of hypnotics for sedation during general anaesthesia, leading to better outcomes for their patients.

With a new year started a new SBI adventure
Our first Anesthesia EEG Boot Camp took place on the 13th of January 2023 in Nykoebing, Denmark.
In a course designed for everyone, from beginners to advanced users, anesthesia nurses and anesthesiologists from Germany, Denmark, and Norway spend a full day learning and discussing the EEG under anesthesia.
Together, we tackled the physiologic basis of EEG, the signatures of anesthesia in raw and processed EEG, and how different medications, age, and frailty influence these markers. Besides short talks by the anesthesia EEG experts, there were interactive quizzes, lively discussions of clinical cases, and practical tips and tricks.
The course was a great success and participants left informed, motivated, and capable of saving their patients’ brains by using EEG to guide anesthesia.
“I have practiced anesthesia for 15 years and BIS monitoring has been available at every hospital from the start of my career. I have thus been familiar with simple BIS monitoring but have not been an avid user personally.
Over the past couple of years, I have enjoyed lectures on EEG and yet I found there's a bit of a barrier to commencing proper BIS/EEG monitoring.
After your course, however, I feel I have crossed a threshold wherein I actually understand the concepts properly. I am convinced of the utility and necessity of EEG monitoring, especially in vulnerable brains, i.e. elderly.
I left Denmark with new knowledge and am excited to incorporate it into my practice.“
Martin from Norway.
EEG Bootcamp Consortium
We are dedicated to addressing the challenges faced by anaesthesia staff in tailoring the administration of hypnotics for sedation during general anaesthesia to suit the unique needs of each patient.
Dr. Florian Bubser
Anesthesiologist and Intensivist; Leadership-team Intensive Care, Nykoebing Falster Hospital.
Dr. Janna Lendner
Anesthesiologist at the University Hospital Tübingen. Researcher at the Hertie Institute for Clinical Brain Research, Tübingen.
Dr. Matthias Kreuzer
The Neuromonitorig Lab. Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care. TUM School of Medicine of Technische Universität München. Munich Germany.
MCN Karina Jakobsen
Clinical Nurse Specialist. Dep. of Anaesthesia Nykoebing Falster Hospital & Responsible Nurse and co-founder of the SBI.
PD Dr. Finn M. Radtke
Chief researcher and founder of the Safe Brain Initiative. Head of Research Dep. of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, Nykoebing Hospital.
PD Dr. Susanne Koch
Prof. Dr. Falk v. Dincklage
Professor of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine, Deputy Director of the Dept. of Anesthesia, Intensive Care, Emergency and Pain Medicine, University Medicine Greifswald.
Prof. Dr. Martin Söhle
Deputy Director of the Dept. of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine, University Hospital Bonn, Germany.